I've recently been thinking about porn, and how little I enjoy or am even casually aroused by straight vanilla porn. I look at the screen and all I can see is plasticised orange flesh jiggling, a heavy cock moving rhythmically against an almost rubberised body. Blank eyes, closed against the boredom. I hate the falseness of it, the total lack of excitement, or even in a lot of cases, sexual enjoyment. Also the generally poor production values make the aesthete in me shudder.
There is a theory that's been doing the rounds for a while that women are interested in more literary porn, and men more visual porn. Of course there are any number of things wrong with this statement. We can start with the inherent sexist assumption that men have no brains and are entirely monkey-see, monkey-do or that women have very little sexual interest except when involving beautiful description of a rolling valley against which bodices can be ripped. There is the knock-on argument that because both of these products are assumed to be targeted at the different sexes then the channels of sale and methods of consumption do indeed enforce those behaviours. Men's magazines have big tits on the front, women's magazines have confessional stories of "guilty sex secrets".
But I like visual stimulus: kind souls sent me clips of attractive young men kissing and I'm extremely fond of Michael Manning. A lot of women I know like photographic porn. I like photographic porn. So perhaps it's not the medium itself, but the message. This would seem a reasonable enough assumption. After all, I don't enjoy vanilla sex, why would representations of it interest me? Most of the BDSM porn I've seen (and I accept that perhaps more research is required) leaves me with the same sensation as vanilla. It's porn, it looks like and sounds like porn: the women have the same pumped up breasts and curious tans. They seem very removed from me, so I find it hard to empathise with them, to put myself in their place and imagine what they are feeling. Perhaps it is different for a Dom(me), they can enjoy the voyeuristic aspect of somone being tied and hurt for their pleasure, but the submissive in me does not get much out of it at all.
3 months ago
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