That's it. As of midnight tonight I'll have outdone Scheherazade, as well as being eight times longer than De Sade.
It has been a thousand and one days since I started this blog. So worth going to the beginning and seeing how the experiment has unfolded, thanking those involved (you know who you are) especially those who, however fleeting, allowed me to experience some very valuable "first times".
It hasn't been without it's problems or challenges, but the old adage does hold true. And I have no regrets - even the things that have hurt me the most are memories that make me who I am, and instances that have taught me how to do better next time, how to be better next time.
Over coffee this morning, with Rossetti and Dandy, I realised that this blog is one of my proudest accomplishments to date. Not just the words I've written but what they represent: my own personal journey of discovery, the amazing people I've met, self-awareness and, yes, self worth. A massive step-change in my understanding and enjoyment of my body, my sexuality and my life. I honestly believe that I am a different, stronger and ultimately better person than when I put fingers to keyboard back in 2008.
I am more me.
In light of this, I'm going to restate my original intentions.
This is a place marker in this blog. It's still an online diary of sex and sexuality, but there's other things too. Not quite life, love and the kitchen sink but "how I fuck" has surprised me in terms of the material and thoughts it generates.
I'm a queer woman in my early thirties. I'm fortunate to live in the world's greatest playground. I do B, D, S and M but I'm still working out what that means. As an aide memoir and exercise in understanding I write about what I do and how it felt. I hope to never stop learning.
I remain honest about what I share here. I look forward to meeting you.
3 months ago
Congrats! Keep up the good work.
General love, kudos and admiration for making it this far. Thank you, for being there for me as a friend and a constant resource and, importantly, for being honest about everything, always. It makes a world of difference to both the blog and to real world things.
What I'm trying to say, however haphazardly? Good stuff and long may it continue!
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